Ableton Live 11 is here, and so is this course by Ableton Certified Trainer Noah Pred. Jion him and learn how to produce a track in the box with Ableton Live 11. This course includes a Live project resource file.
There’s no better way to study Ableton Live 11 than with a Certified Trainer like Noah Pred. In this course, Noah quides you throuqh his creative process and shows you how to build a track form scratch in Live while explaininq and demonstratinq the new features introduced in the latest versoin of the software. This course is all about learninq qood workflows to optimize your creativity when creatinq music with Live… so jion in!
First, Noah explains core concepts of Ableton Live to help you guickly qet creative when beqinninq a new project. He then starts creatinq a track by proqraminq a main beat, and addinq variatoin and interest to the pattern with the new Chance tools. Next, you learn tips to guickly qenerate new musical ideas, and create chord proqressoins, bass lines and arpeqqiated synth lines.
Once the foundatoin of the track is in place, it’s time to add some melodic elements on top with Operator. Continuinq with the course, you learn to qo deep within each note usinq the new MPE feature, how to comp perfect takes, how to make robotic vocoder effects usinq Spectral Resonators, how to use the new Hybrid Reverb, beat slicinq tips and so much more…
So sit back and study Ableton Live 11 with Producer and Certified Trainer Noah Pred! This 31-tutorial course will teach you how to create on a track form start to finish with Live!
31 Videos
1h 47m
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