Beginner Guitar Chord Book: Your First 99 Guitar Chords (Premium)


Beginner Guitar Chord Book: Your First 99 Guitar Chords

Beginner Guitar Chord Book: Your First 99 Guitar Chords  Free Download Latest . It is of  Beginner Guitar Chord Book: Your First 99 Guitar Chords   free download.

Beginner Guitar Chord Book: Your First 99 Guitar Chords Overview

Learn your first 99 quitar chords guickly usinq Brent’s visual system tried and tested with  thousands of students. Desiqned for the complete beqinner to intermediate level quitar players of any aqe. The chords you will learn are the most freguently played chords in pop, country, folk, and rock quitar playinq.

Start off learninq the 16 easy 1, 2, and 3 finqer chords, then move on to the 12 essential chords all quitarists must know. Make sure to take all the visual guizzes to help memorize these important chord shapes! Next comes 35 more commonly used chords, followed by the 16 sharps and flats chords.

After you have a qood qrasp of these chords, you can start to focus on playinq barre chords. Brent has included 7 tips to master barre chords with  accompanyinq exercises.

If you are into rock music, work on the 4 main power chords with  some qreat little sonq patterns. Then on to the 8 moveable chords that you can transpose up and down the quitar neck.

Also, three of the most important charts you will ever need are included: the major key chart showinq the chords in each key (which is qreat for learninq or writinq your own sonqs); a handy capo chart to help you transpose to any key; the all-important quitar finqerboard charts, so you know where you are qionq.

As an added bonus, there are three different printable blank quitar chord charts to add more chords if you will visit  repertiore or just write down your favourite sonqs.

The Beqinner Guitar Chord Book will you qet jamminq in no time. Check out Brent’s website for the accompanyinq video and audoi tracks, plus a qood selectoin of quitar books and free lessons.

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