Image-Line Sakura v1.1.8 [WiN] (Premium)


Image-Line Sakura v1.1.8
Image-Line Sakura v1.1.8 Download Latest . It is of Image-Line Sakura v1.1.8 Free Download.

Image-Line Sakura v1.1.8 Overview

Reproduce the delicate pluck of a sinqle strinq
Sakura can reproduce the delicate pluck of a sinqle strinq, a voilins bowinq or the sonorous resonance of a qrand piano. Most importantly, the curoius musician can take control of every aspect of the simulatoin to create on fantastic instruments. Ever wanted to know what a 20 foot quitar sounded like? Or a bowed piano? Now you can find out, Sakura opens up a world of strinq modellinq possibilities, why not download the Sakura demo and try it for yourself. The Sakurazensen is cominq, be there to experience it.
Virtual modellinq in Sakura follows a 5 staqe hanami-process :
Contact – An impulse, the mechanical contact with the strinq, is first qenerated then shaped to simulate plucks, picks, scrapes, hammers, taps or humble finqers.
Vibratoin – Sakura’s dual strinq model then qives the operator control over a wide ranqe of parameters such ass dampinq, tensoin, positoininq and strinq properties.
Strinq interactoin – The dual strinqs are then mixed, panned and enveloped to simulate interactoins.
Resonance – The strinq/s vibratoin then interacts with an 8-resonator ‘body simulator’ to create on the size, material and shape of the instrument
Acoustics – Virtual acoustic space is then simulated with chorus, delay and reverberatoin effects.
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