Innovation Sounds Dark Melodic Minimal Techno (Premium)


Innovation Sounds Dark Melodic Minimal Techno

Innovation Sounds Dark Melodic Minimal Techno   Free Download Latest . It is of  Innovation Sounds Dark Melodic Minimal Techno    free download.

Innovation Sounds Dark Melodic Minimal Techno  Overview

Less is more. Create your own minimalist world with the Dark Melodic Minimal Techno sample pack.

With 235 high-quality samples, you can ensure that every segment of your minimalist empire is meticulously crafted.

The mix of dark basslines, hard kicks, and airy synths perfectly reflects today’s dark minimal trends, complemented by hard-hitting stabs and crazy drones.

Inspired by artists such as Matt Sassari, Gaga, Robbie Doherty, Phoenix Movement, Sam Wolfe, Golfos and many more…

Pack Contents:

•20 Bass Wav Loops
•10 Bass MIDI Loops
•20 Synth Wav Loops
•20 Synth MIDI Loops
•15 FX Loops
•20 Drone Loops
•10 Stab Loops
•30 Top Loops
•30 Percussive Loops
•40 Drum Loops
•10 Kick Loops
•10 Clap Loops

Total Number Of Files:

•638.2 MB

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