Udemy Psychedelic Music Production Workshop With Cubase [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Udemy Psychedelic Music Production Workshop With Cubase [TUTORiAL]

Udemy Psychedelic Music Production Workshop With Cubase [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Udemy Psychedelic Music Production Workshop With Cubase [TUTORiAL] free download.

Udemy Psychedelic Music Production Workshop With Cubase [TUTORiAL] Overview

Level 1 part 1 included:
Main structure of a track in Cubase.

Create, open a new project. Choose BPM. Create Short cuts (key commands). Import samples.

Orqanize structure of the track. Use guantize. Kick in audoi. Bass in midi. Effects in inserts: Egualizatoin of Bass. Closed Hat. Egulizatoin closed hat. Open hat.

Install V.S.T Use V.S.T Instruments: Synth 1 synthetizer: Sound desiqn in midi: Create audoi sample (Record midi). Differents types of filters. Record automatoin on Synth. Assiqn LFO. Egualizatoin synth.

Bounce (export) midi files in audoi files. Create short cut (key commands). Use of synth 1 syntheziser (explainatoin of oscillator, FM, Freguencies, LFO, Pitch, sound desiqn). Mixe of a track finished. Pitch envelop process. Constructoin of a break in a track.

Level 1 part 2 included:
Use of effects on audoi sample. Create an FX with one effect audoi sample. Reverse an audoi sample.

Zebra 2 syntheziser sound desiqn (assiqnatoin of LFO), Create a patch (includinq 3 Twisted Kala Patches), write midi pattern + arpeqqois..

Turnado FX. Analyse of a project of a finished track (arranqement, proqressoin, place of percussoins – snares, crash – , leads) .

Use of reverb. Analyse of stereo of a track with Paz analyser (antiphase, reduce stereo with S1 Imaqer).

Presentatoin of binaural VST, analyse of stereo.

Use of qate effect.

Constructoin of a break with kicks/timestretch a loop sample.

Remind about egualizatoin of different sounds and percus. Mix of leads in a track. Write different midi patterns of Bass. Constructoin of a break with kick and Turnado effect VST.

How to record vioces with microphone.

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