90s Collage Low Ink Kit (Premium)


90s Collage Low Ink Kit

File details overview
Name Details
File Name 90s Collage Low Ink Kit
Source https://creativemarket.com/angelainthefields/7247557-90s-Collage-Low-Ink-Kit
File size 2.2%
Publisher creativemarket
update and Published 2022

Remember all those times your printer would run out of ink and start printing questionable things? Where black turned into this murky grey, reds became pink and blues just wanted to be green? Pair that with some 9os/early 2000s low dpi quality and voila! You’ve got yourself this amazing, fun and cheeky library of over 200 collage graphics.

This set is also part of my Retro Postmodern Library – a bundle of over 2,000 elements at 80% off! You can find it here: https://creativemarket.com/angelainthefields/7406159-80-OFF-Retro-Postmodern-Library

This amazing set includes:

210 cut out PNG objects in a low ink effect (average size between 2500-4600px)
30 distorted cut out PNG objects in a low ink effect (average size between 2500-4600px)
10 distorted water and sky JPG backgrounds (4000x5000px)

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