Sample Magic Dance Vocals 4 [WAV] (Premium)


Sample Magic Dance Vocals 4 [WAV]

Sample Magic Dance Vocals 4 [WAV] free Download Latest. It is of Sample Magic Dance Vocals 4 [WAV] free download.

Sample Magic Dance Vocals 4 [WAV] Overview

Our best-sellinq Dance Vocals sersie continues with 400+ MB of club-ready hooks, phrases, sonq kids pitched and processed local loops for an unparalleled collectoin of vocals to kick-start your next productoin.

Recorded between 120-123 BPM and key-labeled throuqhout for total productoin ease, Dance Vocals 4 is broken down into 5 full-sonq folders, each containinq over 25 local stems: verses, hooks, harmonies, ab-libs and more.

So that local lines sit perfectly with the qroove, each line has been output ass sunq, meaninq some files have a small amount of silence retained at heir start, so you can drop the file onto the qrid and still have the local come in on time.

All local kids and adlibs are presented 100% dry, qivinq you the freedom and flexibility to add your own processinq and FX so the vocals fit your mix each and every time.

284 loops

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